Gifts and Hospitality Policy


  • We only offer or accept Gifts and Hospitality (G&H) when it is appropriate to do so in the circumstances in which it is provided, ensuring we are living up to our value of acting with integrity. 


  • do not submit a G&H report for gifts and events that only involve Rolls-Royce employees;
  • obtain any required approvals in advance unless it is not possible to do so, in which case it must be requested as soon as possible and no more than 30 days after the G&H;
  • follow the table below for the approval and reporting requirements for any G&H over £20. 
  • only accept/provide G&H if it is appropriate and legal to do so in the circumstances;
  • must not provide G&H to a customer when Rolls-Royce is bidding for a contract, or accept G&H from a supplier when they are bidding for a contract, if those receiving the G&H can influence the contract decision (this does not apply to basic refreshments provided as a business courtesy);
  • must ensure the most senior Rolls-Royce employee in attendance pays for any G&H;
  • do not accept/provide G&H in cash or cash equivalents (such as vouchers, gift cards or credit notes);
  • do not provide G&H if we know the recipient is not allowed to receive it; 
  • do not provide tickets to events unless a Rolls-Royce representative attends or accept such tickets if a representative of the party providing them is not attending; 
  • consult our Ethics and Compliance team before entering into any contract requiring us to provide G&H (such as travel and accommodation in connection with site visits) or before arranging customers visits; and
  • read the introduction to our Code and Group Policies to understand to whom they apply and the consequences for breaching them.



  • pay for any G&H provided by Rolls-Royce where they are the most senior Rolls-Royce employee in attendance.

  • ensure that any G&H they approve has been correctly claimed for.

Select Tabs

Our Code

Take a look back at our Code principles related to this policy:

Additional Guidance

Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset. 

  • G&H Reporting Form (on Ethics and Compliance Engine Room pages)
  • Additional G&H policy guidance and how to use Concur to report G&H
  • List of individuals in each business with delegated authority to approve G&H on behalf of Executive Team members
  • Guidance from the UK MoD on ensuring we have a common understanding of what is acceptable G&H
  • Gifts and Hospitality Bitesize (Leatro Link)
  • Speak Up Policy
  • Defence – guidance when accepting cash from customers for light refreshments


Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset. 

Take a look back at our Code principles related to this policy:

Our Code

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)