Speak Up Policy


  • We are dedicated to creating an environment where employees can speak up without retaliation.
  • We treat any suggestion of retaliation against individuals who speak up extremely seriously. Such retaliation could lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
  • We allow anybody to use our speak up channels to raise concerns related to Rolls-Royce whether or not they are an employee.
  • The Speak Up Line enables individuals to raise concerns confidentially and anonymously in their own language via the telephone or online. It is managed by an external company and concerns received are sent to the Ethics and Compliance team who work with relevant Subject Matter Experts to resolve.
  • We ensure that all concerns are appropriately investigated and we aim to conclude investigations within 60 days.


  • speak up if someone or something is not living our values and behaviours, our Code or Group Policies;
  • try to resolve issues informally, where possible, by speaking with the appropriate individual(s);
  • are aware of the four main speak up channels we can use:
    • Leaders;
    • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs);
    • Local Ethics Advisers (LEAs); and
    • the Speak Up Line(www.rrspeakupline.com)
  • listen and take action if someone speaks up to us;
  • only use the speak up process for raising genuine concerns. We understand that:
    • it is not acceptable to misuse the speak up process for raising false claims or pursuing vendettas; and
    • the speak up process is not designed to be a route of appeal from other established processes (such as grievance and disciplinary processes); and
  • read the introduction to our Code and Group Policies to understand to whom they apply and the consequences for breaching them.


  • listen when someone speaks up to them and prioritise resolution of the issue raised. Leaders can use the Leadership Toolkit for support with this;
  • ensure they support the speak up investigation process where required;
  • ensure feedback is provided to someone that has spoken up; and
  • regularly talk with their team about the importance of speaking up.

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Our Code

Take a look back at our Code principles related to this policy:

Additional Guidance

Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset. 


Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset.  

  • A Leader
  • Relevant subject matter experts - the "Contacts" sections in our Code and Group Policies are there to help guide you to the right person.
  • Your Local Ethics Adviser
  • Speak Up Line
  • Head Office Ethics and Compliance team (who oversee our speak up process and manage the Speak Up Line)
  • Your business Ethics and Compliance team

Take a look back at our Code principles related to this policy:

Our Code

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)