Health, Safety and Environment


  • We are all expected to help fulfil our Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) goals.
  • We take accountability to help protect and enhance health, wellbeing and environmental performance.
  • We never put ourselves or others at risk from our actions.
  • We stop work if we think it might be unsafe, and seek advice.
  • We behave in a way that minimises impact on the environment.
  • We ensure environmentally sound handling, collection, storage and disposal of waste in accordance with the laws in force in the applicable jurisdiction. This includes controls on the shipment of waste between countries.
  • We support regulatory principles that promote socially responsible sourcing of minerals, chemicals and other materials, and manage all of our business activities in line with international and local laws relevant to our countries of operation.
  • We are committed to the managed reduction and phase out of hazardous substances where feasible.

We will

  • Set and expect the highest standards of behaviour for protecting our own and others’ health and safety. We should expect the same from the others around us;
  • Assume positive intent and stay open-minded to others who express health or wellbeing concerns about our own actions or behaviours; and
  • Follow our life-saving rules.

What happens when…

No matter how tight the deadlines, safety procedures must never be compromised. Start by speaking to your manager about your worries. If you feel that’s not possible, speak to the next level of management or your HS&E manager

It’s important to safeguard your health at work, so speak to your manager; they will be sympathetic. You can also get support and advice from your local Occupational Health provider or from Human Resources.

Yes, what you’ve seen might put us in breach of national environmental legislation, as well as cause damage to our environment. Tell your manager what you’ve seen, or talk to your HS&E manager as soon as possible.

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Group Policies

If need more information having reviewed our principles, these policy documents could help:

Additional Guidance

Having reviewed our principles and policies another potential source of information might be:

Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset.

  • Health, Safety and Environment intranet

Still not clear, then contact the relevant Subject Matter Experts:

Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset.

  • Your local HS&E manager, Central HS&E team
  • Local Occupational Health provider (if applicable)

If need more information having reviewed our principles, these policy documents could help:

Our Code

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)