Conflicts of interest


  • We avoid any situation where conflicts of interest might be seen as influencing our business decisions or behaviour, or which might stop us from acting in the best interests of Rolls-Royce.
  • If we believe there is, or might be, a conflict of interest, we speak up.
  • We work within all laws and regulations relating to the employment or engagement of current or former military and civilian government personnel, customers and competitors.
  • We comply with all relevant insider dealing and market abuse legislation.

We will

  • Tell our manager about actual or potential conflicts of interest so that they can be managed;
  • Not provide any services in a personal capacity to any actual or potential competitor, supplier, customer or other business partner, unless given approval in advance;
  • Not place ourselves in a position where we manage or have the ability to influence business decisions relevant to a customer, supplier or other business partner in which we, a family member or close personal friend has a substantial interest;
  • Not use non-public information for our own personal benefit, or pass this kind of information to someone else (either inside or outside the company) who isn’t authorised to have it; and
  • Not deal in Rolls-Royce shares in an unauthorised way or encourage others to do so.

What happens when…

You’re right to be aware of the risk, as it could be a conflict of interest, depending on your partner’s role in the company. Don’t do anything until you’ve explained this to your manager or spoken with the Ethics and Compliance team, as it may just be a case of reporting the connection.

It’s possible that any conversation about jobs with us would be seen as offering a benefit to a customer and trying to influence a decision. There are also laws and regulations in many countries about employing former military personnel which we have to follow. So do not discuss any employment opportunities with him, but suggest he looks at the recruitment areas of the Rolls-Royce website.

Group Policies

If need more information having reviewed our principles, these policy documents could help:



Still not clear, then contact the relevant Subject Matter Experts:

Some of these are internal links and only available if accessing from a Rolls-Royce GAD network asset.

Our Code

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)

Did you know our Code is available as an app. Our Code app is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available again by the end of 2024.

Download on the app store – link to website (opens in a new window)